Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tesco tunes in to the art of Twitter

The supermarket chain's

American convenience store chain Fresh & Easy, which opened on the West Coast in

November 2007, is harnessing the text-based messaging service to interact with customers and inform them of new offers and store openings.

In addition, it is answering customer queries about missing products in certain stores, and about services offered.

A sample Twitter exchange from earlier this week involves a customer called "songrytr" noting that stock levels had seemed "a

little sparse" on recent visits to his local branch, to which Fresh & Easy responds that levels tend to be a bit low at the end of the year due to shipping schedules.

Though perhaps not gripping correspondence, Twitter does help to establish loyalty by giving customers an active way of communicating with the company's management.

The Fresh & Easy Twitter feed has 915 followers – a fair number given that a chain the size of Starbucks only has 30,591 followers.

While it is increasingly common to find US companies on Twitter – cable company Comcast and airline JetBlue to name two, in addition to Starbucks – uptake by British companies is less common.

This may be because the technology is in its infancy – the site only opened in 2006 – or because it started life with a different aim in mind – to enable friends to tell each other what they were doing by answering quick, simple questions.

Nevertheless, a recent survey – the Cone Business in Social Media Study – found that 93pc of those questioned expected to see companies online.

Fresh & Easy, which now operates more than 100 stores across Nevada and Arizona, as well as California, also uses a regular blog on its website to keep customers informed.

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